SOUL CODES in Sound & Light Language: Unite with your I AM Soul, Twin Flame – *SEELENCODES in Klang & Lichtsprache: Vereine mit ICH BIN, Zwillingsflamme

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in Deutsch unten- auch mit Chrome App gibt es die Übersetzung) 

Your Soul is a Pure Crystal Diamond full of Fire. Sound and Special higher dimensional Light language codes can open the door to your higher self and soul allowing cosmic wisdom and love to pour into you and assist you in healing

 “These SOUL CODES are Sound and Light-Language messages from your Soul and Source that trigger an alchemical change in you on many levels: mental, emotional, physical-cellular and reconnect many more DNA strands. This awakens you more fully to your true self and multi-dimensionality.” 


The above picture shows the “SRI YANTRA”  the geometrical pattern of the Sound of OM which created all there is.

You will come to know the Divine through sound. The kingdom of heaven is within you. Only there lies the eternal treasure we all seek…inside lies the creative power of the Universe. Be courageous to dive deep and look within to find your true self and be one with all there is. Chanting OM continuously is one way to experience this.

The right Sound creates a bridge between the lower human physical self to the higher self and the soul. Sound, especially when you chant, activates the pineal gland and opens the heart – the doorways to heaven!  Your Soul, Higher Self and I AM Presence, resonated to specific Sounds and Vibrational Messages, as you  are a unique creation. I call these divine frequencies “SOUL CODES”. 



You are sound and light, as sound created form.

Sound created all there is

Your Soul has a Sound to identify you.

This SOUL CODE Blueprint makes you a unique creation from source. 

Your own SOUL CODES are your cosmic identity or your soul blueprint. They are frequencies in sound and Light Language.  They make up your astro-chemistry of the light-body, which created the physical body. These codes also create sacred geometry which speaks to the mental body, as geometry is its language, so your higher self understands the encoded messages within your SOUL SONG.  They trigger and activate the pineal gland ( 3rd eye) to open and expand. They awaken you to reconnect to all of your soul experiences, even from other dimensions and planets.



with Sacred Geometry, Color and sound 



If you feel ready for your next step and level of existence and living, and wish assistance in finding Heaven within you to let go of what is holding you back, you can receive your “SOUL CODES”. These ‘human soul codes’ from the First Creation Human genetic pool are used to clean your genetic negative karma and reprogram the original divine angelic human blueprint back to it’s perfect state. 

Diamand soul octahedron-1

The Diamond Soul 

We can shift to another level now as NEW HUMANS in higher vibration and expanded consciousness in unconditional love without blocks and old baggage.

Some soul groups are ready to ascend to their higher Self and I AM Presence- Christed Self in the 5th and to the SOUL in even higher dimensions. Many are becoming multi-dimensional in  consciousness.

Chanting meditations can help you access your soul if you are disciplined and do it for a long time. This can assist you to open your 3rd eye/pineal gland and crown chakra and then to connect with your I AM. Once connected there…one can receive the SOUL CODES from the Diamond Soul source. Then alchemical changes happen in the physical body and Lightbody, as the merging and unification takes place. 



These Sound and Light-Language messages from your Soul and Source, trigger an alchemical change in you on many levels: mental, emotional, physical-cellular and your DNA (amino acids). DNA is Sound & Light information of your Lightbody – The Adam Kadmon. Once fully connected to your Lightbody and Soul, you will expand your awareness into new realms and vibrate at a much higher frequency.

If you can go into silence and meditate and chant and tone for a very long time, you may be able to receive your own soul codes by yourself. Not all can do this alone and may wish guidance and activation assistance. 



If you wish, I, Kyria Aluéla  – aka Kyria Mystica- the Vocal Alchemist – can assist you by channeling and transmitting your own personal SOUL CODES, which I hear when I tap into your soul blueprint and then chant them. They bring in Sacred Geometrical patterns which is a Light language which the soul and higher self understands, therefore healing you, and connecting to your soul, to find your true purpose.

The SOUL CODES  totally transform you in an instant and change your life for the better. The Codes are understood by your soul and then your soul communicates with your I AM PRESENCE, Higher-Self and then with the physical mind and body. You suddenly feel free, lighter and connected.  You will know yourself better and your path becomes clear to you.

There also are TWIN FLAME CODES as well, which I can also assist you with to re-connect you with your Twin Soul. 


I prepare you with healing, some tools and chanting and once you are ready I channel your SOUL CODES from source and your soul,  and guide you with some chanting exercises for you to do also during the session.  Some of you, may need some preparation in form of another kind of healing release session, to get you ready for these codes. This I can determine, depending on where you are in your spiritual practice and growth.


-“Kyria transmitted my Soul Codes (Ascension codes) which has helped me in being more aligned with my soul purpose”. – Bhavna S.  

– Bhavna said to me, she saw sacred geometry and yantras coming into her pineal (3rd Eye), and heard messages spoken to her higher-self in the light language, which her higher self understood during the session. She said to me, when I followed up with her a week later, that she  felt much more coming into her crown chakra and 3rd eye for many days after the transmission with me. She told me also that they helped her with her own healing work with her clients. 

I had an amazing session with Kyria. Her soul, is so incredible and amazing she healed every inch of my being and helped me to realize who my higher self is. Her voice is so amazing, so angelic and it braught peace to my soul. I highly recommend Kyria. She is amazing!!!! – B.L. 

You can also listen to my soundcloud recordings ( link below) hear a sample.

I also offer you:

-Soul Voice coaching.

-Medial Life coaching

-Twin flame counseling sessions

-Vibrational Holographic Healing

-Private meditation lessons

-Ascension Lightbody Merkaba and Omkabah Classes in Metaphysics & Alchemy 

-Online group classes TBA

I am traveling to do audience Activations with my vocal code channelings  and teach Lightbody Merkaba and Omkabah Ascension classes in 2017 – beyond.

Read more about me and my work on my Web Homepage. 

Please Email me if you wish to book a session or lesson. You can also invite me to your centers.

You will find the email on my Homepage where you can read more about me and my work.

Kyria Aluéla – Priestess of Melchizedekia

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*Listen to some of my recordings on:



Die Seele is ein reiner Diamantkristal voller Feuer. Klang und Lichtsprachencodes von den höheren Dimensionen, können die Tür zur Seele öffnen so dass kosmische Liebe und Weisheit zu dir fließen können um dich zu expandieren und heilen.  

“Diese Seelencodes – Lied Der Seele sind Lichtsprachen u Klangbotschaften deiner Seele die alchemische Verwandlung in dir anfeuern –  auf Zellular, Mental,  Emotionaler Ebene die auch das DNS verändern und Karma auflösen. Du heilst und wirdst zu deiner Multi-dimensionalität erweckt.”


Featured Image -- 9643

Deine Seele Ruft dich Heim 

Das ICH BIN und Höheres Selbst ruft dich u möchte dass du deine Blockaden und Widerstände loslässt, so dass du glücklich sein kannst, und deine Seelenaufgabe annehmen und machen kannst.

Wir hatten 9-9-9 Portal in 2016. 9 ist Vollständigung vor einem Neubegin 1. In 2017 began ein neuer Zyklus mit 1-1-1. Das Karma sollte man jetzt endlich loslassen, um auf einer Höheren Ebene aufzusteigen und im Dharma zu leben. 

999 ist die höchste Frequenz, dass man als physischer Mensch halten kann – der Raum des ICH BINs – Ein erleuchteter oder Buddha ist es. Dann kommt der Lichtkörper der Seele.

Durch meditation und diszipliniertes tönen und chanten von bestimmte hochschwingende Mantras, kann man die Zirbeldrüse oder 3.Auge und Kronenchakra öffnen, um sich mit dem Höherem Selbst und ICH BIN und SEELE zu verbinden. Wer es nicht alleine kann, kann assistenz bekommen von einem Lehrer der ein Sat-Guru ( Aktivierer) ist. 

*Unten ist ein link wo man weiterlesen kann.



Heilung und Wiedervereinigung durch “SOUL CODES”


Ich, Kyria Aluéla biete kraftvolle und schnelle Methoden mit Holographisches Heilen und mein Vokalklang Channeling von deinen eigenen “SEELENCODES”- Seelen Klang und Lichtsprachenkodierungen, die ich channele.

Seelencodes sind die Blaupause deiner Seele in Klang & Lichtsprache. Sie reinigen DNA u Karma und verbinden dich zu deinem Höherem Selbst u Seele und die information, die dort gespeichert ist. Du fühlst dich ganz schnell wie ein neuer Mensch- dein “Wahres Ich” holt dich Heim um in den Fluss der Liebe und deinen Seelenplan zu kommen. 

Lese mehr über mich und meine Arbeit auf der Homepage-Startseite ( unten dem englishem Teil, ist alles in Deutscher Sprache)

Schreibe mir eine email die du auf meiner Webseite( OBEN) findest, wenn du an eine Sitzung interessiert bist über eine Konferenz Meeting oder Telefon. Das wie und wann wird per email besprochen. 

*Lese die deutsche Erweiterung auf:


Kontakt zu Kyria per email auf der Startseite von:




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41 thoughts on “SOUL CODES in Sound & Light Language: Unite with your I AM Soul, Twin Flame – *SEELENCODES in Klang & Lichtsprache: Vereine mit ICH BIN, Zwillingsflamme

  1. Reblogged this on Kyria Aluéla Lumina – Priestess of Melchizedekia Kyria Mystica : The Vocal Alchemist and commented:


    Transmitted to you, transform you from inside out. They help you find your true self and life purpose.

    Some of you may need some preparation first in form of healing work, to receive these codes. This can be felt by Kyria Alu’ela and she will suggest the best session or sequence for your divine higher good.

    Read more below by following the LINK to the original Blog Post.


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  29. Pingback: SOUL CODES in Sound & Light Language: Unite with your I AM Soul, Twin Flame – *SEELENCODES in Klang & Lichtsprache: Vereine mit ICH BIN, Zwillingsflamme – Kyria Aluéla – Melchizedekia – The Vocal Alchemist

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