12/21 & 2021 Dawning of Age of Aquarius-The new HUman is Born- Jupiter Saturn-Star of Freedom

Dear Friends,  

Woah,  Been quite a year 2020! 

I hope the time without as many opportunities for distractions, due to the CV shutdown, actually benefited you to look more within, to find yourself and inner peace. I had to early in the so called pandemic, as divinely guided,  tune myself out of the fear drama of the MSM fake media. It was causing a fear mantel around the earth, which we light-sound-workers, as well as musical and other artists, had to work on to assist to weaken and dissolve the dark energy cloak. 

Once I didn’t allow myself to be drawn into the fear makers web, I went about my way fearlessly and tried to keep my humor and find joy in nature and in the sea. Yes, I was respectful to others by giving them space, by wearing a mask in shops and certain places, but not in nature. 

For me,  I actually enjoyed  the solitude and quiet, no TV, no social media, no noise, not wasting money on nonsense. I listened to my own thoughts, wrote journals, enjoyed music and YouTube meditations, alternative News and cultural programs. 

I’m just with me now and very at peace after reviewing my past and  clearing and healing the last of my own karmic hurts and restrictions. I’m ready to restart a totally new life and new creative projects for 2021 in Metaphysics, Art, Music, photography, writing and media presentations…eg YT and other channels ( TBA) 

It is a time of new beginnings this 12/21/2020 = 1 

This solstice with Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in 0 degree Aquarius is showing us a new dawn, a new way of mastery of self. Yeshua/Jesus  was born with Jupiter saturn conjunction in Pisces. The “Star of Bethlehem” was saturn creating a tail right next to Jupiter. This conjunction is a sign of a Master or King soul. The 3 Kings or  Wise Men back in Jesus’ time, were astrologers that knew this was a sign of a KING being born.

May this NEW AGE of AQUARIUS birth you to a new level of your existence and allow you to be more the original creative force that you are meant to be.  You too can be a Master. 

It’s a time of new bright ideas, of entrepreneurship, of new technologies and innovations birthing, and of humanitarianism based on love, kindness and fairness. 

Now you can find your true soul purpose and live life as a original, not a follower of what was or of what others do. 

Hey, Be Yourself!!!

Blessings for this exciting time of truth revelations . It may still rock and roll, but falsehoods must tumble for the new wonderful world of a 5th Dimensional Earth Star of love to be born. 

I love you all. Make sure you rise above the turmoil and live as your I AM Presence, your true divine self of love and truth. Then nothing can harm you and disease can not take hold of your body. Let anger and resentment go by practicing forgiveness and non-judgement. 

I suggest that you learn about the “Flower of Life Hologram” and “Merkaba of Love” as this is the key to LIFE and Ascension aka Enlightenment and good health. ( see my archive of blogs) 

Sending you all my Love and strength for the future

Blessed Solstice, Channuka, Christmas and Happy New Year 2021.

Kyria Aluéla 


I’m available to assist you with your life situation. 

I offer personal intuitive life coaching, channeling, energy and sound healing sessions, ascension teachings with Merkaba lightbody activation, shamanic practices, soulcode initiations, twinflame work, relationship counseling, intrusive energy removal, readings and speaking with loved ones on the other side, and more.

See my website homepage for details and email me for further information and questions. 

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