The Twinflame Teacher – 7 Reasons for Connecting

The Twinflame Teacher – 7 Reasons for Connecting

Dear Friends and followers of my writings, 

Today I’m sharing about my insights about the Twinflame process that many others are experiencing in different ways. 

First, you must understand that a Twinflame isn’t a human person. It’s the SOUL’s twin in a higher dimensional space, that can have a Human extension in a body. This is what some are referring too as their Twinflame. Know that this concept is much grander than just a personality. It’s your YIN YANG ☯️ masculine and feminine aspects of self. You can read some of my other blogs here to get more details about this in my archive…(use search bar). 

My experience with the connection with my Twinflame physical person, over more than 15 years since our first encounter, that took me on a roller coaster ride, up and down my emotions, was mostly to love myself more and unconditionally. By being not recognized by this person, who I early knew was the embodiment of my Twinflame, then being rejected, criticized and somewhat disrespected by them, that first hurt my heart deeply, triggered my own self doubts and rejection syndrome. I realized this person was mirroring my previous partially low esteem and lacking self respect, and that I actually allowed others ( several different persons in my earlier life) to treat me unfairly. On top of that, because of my and possibly this person’s emotional vulnerability, we were sabotaging ourselves and even sabotaged by others, to not get together. This can happen when negative emotions attract negative interference. ( another topic for the future to speak about). 

I had to work deeply on myself to heal my past wounds of the heart ( of past lives and this life) and on my inhibiting factors, to learn to love, accept, honor and respect myself as a divine being, and not care about what others think about me. All that matters is, how I think about myself and my outlook on life, and my connection with the divine. 

This all healed me and I am grateful for the lessons and my grown understanding and respect of my TF person’s own journey, as they too have had much to heal and learn in their own divine time. They actually had a very similar situation as me. They had much to heal for themselves, as they are my reflection. Therefore I was able to forgive the difficulties and misunderstandings we had, as my unconditional self love embraces my Twinflame in totality. Love is more powerful than pride! 

Now to you, know that your real Twinflame is within you, as it’s your own soul. Another person who embodies the other half of your soul is a mirror for you and a teacher for your personal growth. This is why such an encounter with your Twinflame person can be quite disruptive, as some of you might be stubbornly set in your ways, and perhaps may be somewhat arrogant, as a self protective shield, or just have a wounded self image. You might not want to look in the mirror to see your shadow aspects. We all have some, and it’s ok to embrace the shadows and fill them with love and light. Haha, just this is what is needed. It’s a humility lesson! 

Sure you and this other person, the Twinflame and anybody actually we have a relationship with, can learn from each other’s life experiences and talents, in order to grow to become more complete. It’s not about being rescued by someone else, nor to “need” someone else to complete yourself. It’s about becoming whole and peaceful within. 

Why meet a Twinflame human personality? 


The first reason for the encounter is to see yourself “naked” in the mirror, without the masks you may be wearing. 

The second  – is to learn how to love unconditionally. 

The third – is to expand consciousness to see beyond yourself 

The fourth – is to become more caring, understanding, accepting and compassionate

The fifth – is learning to communicate feelings honestly, to admit past discrepancies and unfair behavior, and to ask forgiveness as well as forgive to let go of grudges and pain and to move on to better experiences 

The sixth – is humility, to drop an inflated ego down a few notches 

The seventh – is cosmic union, feeling yourself ONE WITH ALL THERE IS. 

The Twinflame Union is a sacred journey to your true self. 

A Twinflame physical person is not always right for you as a life partner, often a Soulmate is better, depending on your life purpose and where you are at in your consciousness this incarnation. The Twinflame persons can become friends or business partners, or just learn from each other and move on, wishing each other all the best. It’s not written in stone that Twinflame humans need to be a couple. It’s about a soul union more than a physical partnership.

A Twinflame human partner relationship, if these two persons see a joint mission in their togetherness, is for serving humanity, not for selfish needs, possessiveness and only just to be taken care of, nor for plain sexual lust.

A Twinflame Union can be of course very mutually nurturing and caring, as a tantric, all encompassing experience that transcends all boundaries of Ego and opens the couple’s hearts to a great ❤️ Love, that they want to share with others on earth in some form.

Note, not everyone has a Twinflame in embodiment, but do have a soul twin in another dimension to learn from in meditation. some of you may not have met such a person yet, or are feeling or dreaming about someone, but not sure yet what is happening. 

I will speak and write more in the future on my upcoming Video Channel and in my other events and projects. 

Best wishes, 

Kyria Aluéla

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The Twinflame Teacher – 7 Reasons for Connecting


I, Kyria Aluéla can guide and assist you with your Relationships and Twinflame journey through intuitive counseling and channeling the higher self and soul, as well as your guides. 

We can do energy and sound healing and SOULCODES to heal yourself and the partnership. Contact me by email if you would like to get more information about booking a consultation. 

Find my email on the homepage of this blog and read my biography and about all my work. 

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