
Dear Friends and Followers of Melchizedekia Blog and FB Page,

Re. My Blog, FB page and Services:

If you have benefited from my offerings and would like to say thank you, your support would help me continue to offer you teachings and information as well as support my projects in sound and for the new children. It takes much time to research, write and gift you all that I share here. I am not able to give as much time here without your support. A balance is required between giving and receiving( taking). If no balance one party gets drained giving too much and other other party gets overfed and non-appreciative and often confused, or even numbed by taking in too much food.

In ancient traditions one was taught to support the priests and gurus, teachers with 10% of ones income and the universe brings back to you a 1000 Fold. Not that I ask 10% of your salary, but if one gives of ones “energies”( money, time, gifts) to a cause for planetary and humanitarian or Lightworker who serving the divine plan, then divine supports you as well with multitudes of gifts and support.

I am now focusing on my sound healing work and recording music, which  you will be able to purchase online in a few months from now. Also soon, I will have a log-in community where those who wish my teachings can become members to access what I offer for a monthly or annual fee. Some info will be for public viewing but the teachings and healings will not be available to the public without joining.

For now I will continue share my own work here on this blog and Facebook Community page  1-4 times a month, and I may not share other authors anymore, unless more support comes from all of you.

I offer powerful transformation to you all such as:






Read more on my homepage.

I love you all and wish you to feel happy, healthy and whole living your dreams and life purpose


Kyria Aluéla Lumina – Priestess of Melchizedekia – Kyria Mystica – The Vocal Alchemist
Spiritual Medium, Vocalist-Composer, Vocal Alchemist, Sound-Light healer, Intuitive Life Coach, Twin Flame advisor, Shaman, Channel, Metaphysical teacher, Artist, Photographer, Author, Motivational Speaker, Ceremonial & Tour Leader. Priestess of Melchizedek & Universal Ministries.

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My FB pages are on the right hand side of this blog to LIKE .

My Chanting and Music:

has some music for listening only…may not be uploaded or Copied

I will have some files on BANDCAMP soon for sale..TBA on this blog.



Kyria Aluéla Lumina & Kyria Mystica – Die Vokal-Alchemistin

Spirituelles Medium & Lehrerin, Sängerin – Komponistin, Gesang Alchemistin, Klang-Licht Geist-Heilerin, Intuitiver Lebens-Coach, Zwillingsflammen Beratering, Schamanin, Channel, Metaphysische Lehrerin, Künstlerin, Fotografin, Autorin, Motivationstrainerin, Zeremonien Meisterin, ordenierte Priesterin des Melchisedek Ordens und Universalen Ministerien.

( finde den deutschen Text unter dem Englischen Teil)

Paypal Donation /Spenden –



Liebe Freunde,

Die Blume des Lebens ist ein Energiefeld – ein Hologramm das alles erschaffen hat in den Universen. Es ist bedingungslose Liebe des Schöpfers und alles ist dadurch verbunden.. Unten gibt es Info darüber, aber nicht alles was es ist…aber man bekommt eine Idee. Ich habe auch Blogs hier darüber die ihr im Archiv findet. Ich heile mit diesem Hologramm und unterichte wie man damit arbeitet und wie man es als Lichtkörper verwendet.  Lese mehr auf meiner Homepage/Startseite. Dort kann man sich mit mir auch verbinden per email.

Kyria Aluéla Lumina

Blogs von mir :

andere BLOGS von mir findet ihr unter den Stichwörter:




Artikel von Alanna Ketler

Liegt das Geheimnis, wie das Universum arbeitet, in dieser geometrischen Figur – der Blume des Lebens?

Veröffentlicht am 15. Februar 2017 von Taygeta ( Übersetzt von ihr )

Original in Englisch von Alanna Ketler auf 

Die Blume des Lebens ist höchstwahrscheinlich etwas, dem du schon begegnet bist. Es ist ein gemeinsames Symbol, das man in zahlreichen spirituellen und religiösen Lehren auf der ganzen Welt antrifft: in vielen verschiedenen Religionen auf der ganzen Welt hat man hat die Blume des Lebens gefunden. Es ist eines der ältesten sakralen Symbole, die dem Menschen bekannt sind.

Die Blume des Lebens ist eine geometrische Form, die aus mehreren überlappenden Kreisen der gleichen Grösse besteht. Es gibt eine riesige Menge an Informationen und Wissen, die aus dem Verständnis der Blume des Lebens gewonnen werden kann.

Sie zählt zur heiligen Geometrie, welche alte religiöse Wert enthält, und zusammengefasst kann man sagen, dass sie die grundlegenden Formen von Raum und Zeit enthält. Doch kann man noch viel mehr darin erkennen. Lasst mich hier eine Einführung in die Blume des Lebens geben.

Die älteste Darstellung der Blume des Lebens, die den Menschen bekannt ist, findet sich im Tempel von Osiris in Abydos, Ägypten. Das Symbol ist dort nicht in den Granit geätzt oder eingemeisselt worden, sondern es scheint in den Fels eingebrannt worden sein.

Eine grosse Zahl von anderen Darstellungen findet man in vielen alten Strukturen in vielen verschiedenen Ländern, darunter: Israel, Türkei, Irland und viele mehr. Eine ziemlich interessante Darstellung der Blume des Lebens findet sich in der Verbotenen Stadt in Peking, China.

Die Blume des Lebens wurde gefunden in einer Kugelform unter der Pfote des „Fu-Hundes“, der auch bekannt ist als der „Wächter-Löwe“. Dieser Palast beherbergte 24 Kaiser der Ming- und Qing-Dynastien. Die Fu-Hunde waren ein Symbol des Schutzes der Gebäude und ihrer Bewohner, und sie wurden auch als die Wächter des Wissens betrachtet. Es ist interessant, dies sich zu vergegenwärtigen, dass das Symbol der sphärischen Blume des Lebens unter den Pfoten der Hunde gefunden wurde, den buchstäblichen Wächtern des Wissens.

Es wurde oben erwähnt, dass die Blume des Lebens als heilige Geometrie betrachtet wird, aber was bedeutet das?

Was ist die „heilige Geometrie“?

Früher hatten bestimmte Zahlen, abgesehen von ihrem täglichen Gebrauch, auch eine symbolische Bedeutung. Verschiedene Formen wie Dreiecke, Sechsecke und Oktagone werden als physische Manifestation einer Zahl betrachtet. Diese Formen haben, weil sie einen geistigen Inhalt sichtbar machen, einen höheren Schwingungswert. Deswegen war auch Leonardo DaVinci sehr interessiert an der Blume des Lebens und studierte seine Form und mathematische Eigenschaften.


Er interessierte sich auch dafür, wie die Blume des Lebens mit der physischen Realität sowie dem Bewusstsein verbunden ist. Leonardo zeichnete die Blume des Lebens selbst, ebenso wie den ‚Samen des Lebens’. Leonardo war bekannt für die Verwendung der Goldenen Schnitts, Phi, in seinen Kunstwerken, unter anderem im Zusammenhang mit der Fibonacci Spirale, die auch eine wichtige Rolle in der Heiligen Geometrie spielt, denn sie ist eine geometrische Veranschaulichung der Fibonacci-Zahlen .

Ich bin sicher, viele von euch haben schon von der Fibonacci-Zahlenfolge gehört, es ist die Folge der Ziffern 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 … . Die Folge beginnt mit zweimal der 1 und jede folgende Zahl ist die Summe der beiden vorangehenden 2 Zahlen der Folge.

Dies ist wichtig, weil die Verhältnisse, die von zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Zahlen gebildet werden können und Spirale, die man mit dieser Zahlenfolge konstruieren kann, in allen Lebewesen einschliesslich Menschen, Pflanzen, Tieren und sogar unserer Galaxie, der Milchstrasse, gefunden werden können.

Genauere Informationen hierzu, zusammen mit vielen verblüffenden, phantastisch schönen Bilder aus der Natur sowie präzisen mathematischen Darstellungen findet man in unserem Artikel  „Was uns die Natur über Heilige Geometrie lehren kann“


Auch das berühmte Mausoleum Taj Mahal, das der indische Grossfürst Shah Jahan im Gedenken an seine grosse Liebe Mumtaz Mahal erbauen liess, ist nach den Prinzipien des Goldenen Schnittes konstruiert.

Es gibt viele alte Stätten, die nach diesen geometrischen Prinzipien gebaut wurden: Der Parthenon in Athen, aus dem Jahr 438 B.C., ddie Bauten auf dem Giza-Plateau in Ägypten, 2600 v. Chr., das Taj Mahal Indien, und viele weitere mehr. Es ist sehr faszinierend festzustellen, dass es auch viele alte Stätten und Strukturen gibt, in denen das Symbol der Blume des Lebens vorkommt.


Die Blume des Lebens ist auch verwandt mit einer anderen Figur, die zur heiligen Geometrie gehört, nämlich dem so genannten ‚Würfel des Metatron’.

Metatrons Würfel ist der Name für eine bestimmte geometrische Figur aus 13 Kreisen und den Verbindungslinien der Mittelpunkte der Kreise (siehe Bild). Diese Kreise stammen aus der Frucht des Lebens, die wiederum aus einer erweiterten Version der Blume des Lebens stammt. Um dies zu verstehen, schaue dir bitte das folgende Video an, in dem weitergehende Erklärungen gegeben werden. (Ein Video aus der Serie „Spirit Science“,, wir verlinken hier die deutsche Version)

Dieses Video bietet eine kurze, aber detaillierte Einführung in die Blume des Lebens, Das Samen des Lebens, das Ei des Lebens, die Heilige Geometrie und Metatrons Würfel.

Spirit Science 7 ~ Dimensionen (German)

Das Verständnis der Blume des Lebens hilft uns sicherlich besser zu verstehen, wie das Universum funktioniert. Es kann als Werkzeug verwendet werden zu Herstellung einer höheren Verbindung während der Meditation, und es ist auch ein starkes Symbol, das sich auf dein Alltagsleben beziehen kann. Einige Leute sagen auch, dass dieses Symbol auf ihren elektronischen Geräten dazu beitragen kann, die schädlichen Frequenzen zu zerstreuen, die von dieser Elektronik emittiert wird. Insgesamt ist es eine wunderbare Erinnerung daran, dass wir alle miteinander verbunden sind, alle mit allen anderen und mit jedem einzelnen Ding im Universum.

Ich ermutige alle, die Lehre der Blume des Lebens weiter zu erforschen, z.B. mit den Büchern „Die Blume des Lebens“, Band 1 & Band 2, von Drunvalo Melchizedek.

Pisces New Moon Meditation: BE YOUR SOUL NOW – Release the Old, Surrender to Love, Your Divine Self – by Kyria Aluéla Lumina

New Moon is in Pisces on Feb 26, 2017 and a Solar Eclipse  Time for releasing the old, the ego and forgiving all and living  in unconditional Love BE YOUR SOUL NOW – Surrender to Love, Your T…

CONTINUE READING : Pisces New Moon Meditation: BE YOUR SOUL NOW – Release the Old, Surrender to Love, Your Divine Self – by Kyria Aluéla Lumina

YOUR LIGHT & LOVE ARE NEEDED NOW – Patricia Cota-Robles, March 2017

on YouTube:




by Patricia Cota-Robles, March 2017


During this monumental year of 2017, we are being given the opportunity to permanently anchor the archetypes containing the Divine Matrix for Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance tangibly in the lives of all Humanity. These are the patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth that Lightworkers have been striving to cocreate for decades, and that Humanity has been longing for since we fell into the abyss of separation and duality aeons ago. 


According to the Company of Heaven, anchoring these specific patterns is the greatest need of the hour for Humanity and all Life evolving upon this Planet. Through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven we have finally reached a critical mass that will allow us to God Victoriously accomplish this phase of Earth’s Divine Plan.


The important thing for us to KNOW is that this will not happen without our assistance. It will ONLY happen if you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity deliberately participate in this facet of the Divine Plan. The Universal Law is that the Call for assistance must come from the Realm where the assistance is needed. If the archetypes containing the Divine Matrix for Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance are to be anchored on Earth, those of us abiding on Earth must invoke that Light and breathe it into the physical plane. This is what is meant by the statement, “God needs a body.


If you pay attention throughout 2017, you will notice that the myriad things that are being brought to your attention that are causing pain and suffering of any kind are the polar opposite of the things that would be happening if Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance were tangibly manifesting in the life of every person on Earth. This is not a coincidence. This is because those human miscreations must be purged and transmuted into Light before these NEW archetypes can be anchored.


The Divine Plan


The Divine Plan for 2017 is for everything that conflicts with Peace and Abundance to be pushed to the surface as fast possible so Awakening Humanity can Transmute those gross mutations back into Light. The more you and I are willing to invoke the Violet Flame and Transmute the surfacing negativity, the easier it will be for the masses of Humanity to receive and anchor the Divine Matrix for Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance when the time comes.


The Divine Plan is for these archetypes to be anchored on Earth during the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence which originally took place in August 1987. The vehicle that will be used for this global gathering is the 31st Annual World Congress on Illumination which will be held in Tucson, Arizona, August 12-17, 2017.


This Annual World Congress is truly a global and life-transforming event for everyone who has the Heart Call to participate. Listen to your Heart and your I AM Presence will guide you, unerringly, to your part in this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan.


This year, the 31st Annual World Congress on Illumination will take place within the full embrace of a very powerful Lunar and Solar Eclipse Series. You and every other Lightworker on the Planet will be in your right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that you respond to whatever your I AM Presence is guiding you to do. You must Trust and KNOW that if you are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Light in Tucson, then your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist you in paving the way. This is true whether you need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of your Divine Mission.


Listen to your heart and you will know that it is critical for Lightworkers from around the World to be physically present for this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. Together we will form the transformer that will allow the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to receive and anchor tangibly into their life and the lives of ALL Humanity the archetypes containing the Divine Matrix of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.


All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their Heart. Listen to your Heart, and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light and Love are needed now!


In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present at the 31st Annual World Congress on Illumination, there will be Lightworkers who will join us in consciousness from their points of Light around the World. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.


This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. Day by day, as we progress through the various activities of Light with the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven our mission will be victoriously accomplished. 


This event will take place at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort which is nestled in the unique beauty and the nurturing, healing environment of the southwestern desert in Tucson, Arizona. The resort is surrounded by lush desert vegetation and towering two to three hundred year old saguaro cacti. These expressions of the Elemental Kingdom stand as mighty sentinels while anchoring the Light of God into the Earth.


When you enter this portal of Light, you will experience the awesome radiance of the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation and the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love. As this Sacred Fire bathes your Being, you will be blessed with the familiar feeling of coming home.


The World Congress on Illumination will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the World with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join their hearts with yours and support you in your monumental service to the Light.


The entire Universe is supporting us in this wondrous endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but it is the Lightworkers on Earth who are the predominant force that will bring this Divine Plan into physical manifestation. Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we will succeed God Victoriously.


God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door for the Light of God that will allow the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to RECEIVE AND ANCHOR THE ARCHETYPES AND THE DIVINE MATRIX FOR ETERNAL PEACE AND GOD’S INFINITE ABUNDANCE.  


All of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous Activity of Light is available on our website


We are offering important savings for Early Registration. Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by.


Please share this information with anyone you feel would be interested in assisting Humanity and ALL Life on this precious Planet in this important way.


New YouTube:


Violet Flame Invocation


I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love we invoke the most intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection that Cosmic Law will allow.


We invoke the Company of Heaven and the Legions of 5th-Dimensional Violet Fire Archangels. Blessed Ones, we ask that you blaze, blaze, blaze the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that Humanity has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that is reflecting anything less than Heaven on Earth.


Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible forcefield of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.


We accept that this Activity of Light is being God Victoriously accomplished even as we Call. We also accept and KNOW that this powerful Violet Flame is increasing daily and hourly, moment by moment, with every Breath we take until this Sweet Earth and ALL her Life have Ascended into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light on the New Earth where Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance are a tangible reality.


I AM the Golden Flame of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace


Through the Power of God blazing in my heart and the hearts of ALL Humanity, I joyously receive and accept the gift of God’s Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and Infinite Abundance. I now know God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace are my Divine Birthright.


On the wings of this Divine Light, I Ascend into the Causal Body of God. From this Realm of Divine Consciousness, I have the inner knowing that GOD IS MY SUPPLY!


I relinquish now, in the name of God, I AM, all of the power I have ever given to lack and limitation through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs and memories in any time frame or dimension, both known or unknown. I relinquish now, in the name of God, I AM, all of the beliefs I have ever had that were based in poverty consciousness.


From this moment forward I consecrate and dedicate my very life to be the Open Door through which the new frequencies of the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance will now flow to bless me and ALL Humanity.


As I breathe, think, speak, feel and act, the Presence of God within me is perpetually expanding the Divine Matrix for the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance to all life evolving on Earth. And so it is.


New YouTube:


Patricia Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization        

FAX: 520-751-2981

Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2017 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

Albert Einstein on The Universal Force of Love – A Letter to his Daughter

Dear friends,

I just had to share this, as Einstein was not just a Physicist – he was so in tune with divinity and laws of the cosmos. His soul is reincarnated now again. 


Kyria Aluéla Lumina

A letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter on

The Universal Force of Love


In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400 letters, written by Einstein, to the Hebrew University, with orders not to publish their contents until two decades after his death.

This is one of them, for Lieserl Einstein:

“When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.

I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.

There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE.

When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals. For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love.

This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.

To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation. If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.

After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…

If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.

Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.

However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.

When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.

I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! “.

Your father,

Albert Einstein

Found Posted on:

New Merkaba: Flower of Life Hologram & Sound – Neues Merkaba – Blume des Lebens Hologramm & Klang

THE FLOWER of LOVE HOLOGRAM is a sphere Our Ascension Vehicle is the Merkaba and Omkabah in english & German

DIE BLUME DES LEBENS HOLOGRAMM  is eine Sphäre und unser Merkaba/Omkabah  (Deutsche …

Continue reading – Lesen sie weiter auf: New Merkaba: Flower of Life Hologram & Sound – Neues Merkaba – Blume des Lebens Hologramm & Klang


THE FLOWER OF LIFE IS THE PATTERN OF CREATION. IT IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Kyria Aluéla Lumina, Ascension & Metaphysics Teacher, Sound-Light Healer & Priestess of Melchizedek speaks about the…


Allow Pure Love In and Be ONE With All There Is – Kyria & Metatron’s Message

Dear Friends,
Allow the Pure Divine Unconditional Love through you. Why are some of you still blocking it? You were created from Love and you are love!  What happened to make you cut yourself off? Traumas, suffering, being treated unfairly…and so on could have caused a separation from the flow of divine love. Judgement, mistrust, fear and jealousy causes separation as well as  true love is unconditional, kind and compassionate. It is time to open your portal to this flow again and be in JOY, and even BLISS! 
evening_romantic_child_love_couple-imagesConnect with your Higher Self and I AM God Self again and allow your Soul to take over your physical heart and mind. Your soul is a pure diamond crystal that has immense fire. This is Christ-Buddha Consciousness – being a pure, innocent divine child, as Yeshua said,  “Be as the children”,
happy go lucky, playful, creative, experimental and loving! It is finding happiness in discovering little things, like a flower, a pretty rock, a creepy crawler , a puppy, etc…for the first time. Being child like and creative brings joy. Look around you and see the magic of creation all around you! Focus on the good, not the bad and sad in the world. You can only change the world by being Love yourself and working towards a happy outcome in all things in your life and around you. From your Joyous HEART,  the ripple effect takes place, as love radiates far out from your heart and you are even helping humanity.  Love your inner child and connect with the Earth again. 
When you see the world from a Higher Self perspective or eagle view, you can recognize the meaning of what is occurring and send love to all in non-judgement, so the karma can dissolve for all on the planet.  
Call the Violet Fire around you and the Earth and Humanity daily to all crisis zones. Also send Love in form of the Flower of Life Hologram which is unconditional love,  to all humans, animals Gaia and also put it around you to cleanse and purify and uplift you and everything.
If I can assist you along your path back to your true self with my Sound and Holographic healing, “Diamond Soul Codes” transmissions, Meditation teachings, advice and more…read my homepage where you can find my contact info.
Love is all, I love you
written by
Kyria Aluela Lumina 
The Paypal link is on top of the Homepage
Now, I share a beautiful Message from Arch Angel Metatron that I heard  today, who also speaks about this subject..spoken by Jelelle Awen  – see her  credits and her website  info under the video when you go to watch it on youtube.

DIAMOND SOUL CODES – Song of the Soul in the Language of Light – Union of Higher Self, I AM, Soul, Twin Flames – * DIAMANT-SEELENCODES- Lied der Seele in Klang-Lichtsprache – Vereint Höheres Selbst, Seele, Dual-Seele

“These DIAMOND SOUL CODES are THE SONG OF YOUR SOUL – Sound and Light-Language messages from your Soul and Source that trigger an alchemical change in you on many levels: mental, emotional, physical-cellular and reconnect many more DNA strands. This awakens you more fully to your true self and multi-dimensionality.” 

“Diese Diamanten Seelencodes – Lied Der Seele sind Lichtsprachen u Klangbotschaften deiner Seele die alchemische Verwandlungen in dir anfeuern –  auf Zellular, Mental,  Emotionaler Ebene, die auch das DNS verändern und Karma auflösen. Damit kannst du heilen und wirst zu deiner Multi-dimensionalität erweckt.”

Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutsch  unten (oder mit Chrome findet man den Übersetzungsknopf):


DIAMOND SOUL CODES – Song of the Soul in the Language of Light – Union of Higher Self, I AM, Soul, Twin Flames – * DIAMANT-SEELENCODES- Lied der Seele in Klang-Lichtsprache – Vereint Höheres Selbst, Seele, Dual-Seele

The Highest Love is Unconditional -Releasing a Beloved, Even the Embodied Twin Flame


The highest Love you can have for another is wanting them to be on their journey of exploring their Highest Expression whether this includes you in their life or not. Releasing all personal attachments out of deepest Honouring of a beloved Soul’s evolution on Earth –  An Initiation of the highest order. Quote by ~ Saskia Waheina


Yes, Unconditional Love often means letting someone you love go for a divine higher purpose. In this altruistic love, souls usually stay connected above ( higher dimensions) and support each other from there, even if the physical persons are separated or have not even met in person. This can happen with Twin Flames (souls) who’s hearts and energies or Lightbodies have merged as one in higher dimension, but the physical extensions of them and their respective lives need to be lived separately. Remember, the Twin Flame is part of oneself, and the love of the duals, is to feel self love and wholeness within. The love between the united Twin-flame souls is so great and will infiltrate the human selves so strongly that each will radiate this love out to the world. Not all Soul Twins need to be human couples, they are partners in the higher worlds and can help each other energetically and even communicate telepathically when needed with each other, as well as visit each other in dreams. These higher dimensional pairs are working planetary as well, to illuminate and bring more love into the planet’s consciousness grid. Only a certain group of physical twins share the same goal to work with each other on on earth and can be partners – some may just be platonic friends or colleagues. All is open in love – no rules.

Other Human and soul connections may need to be cut totally, if they bring one down and do not serve a purpose for growth and evolution. One does not need to go backwards or suffer. Best to do then, is to communicate in honesty and release them in unconditional love, and wish them well. This also means forgiving all involved, including self. 

Love is freedom.  Letting go in love this way, opens new doors of creativity and vibrating in so much unconditional love, makes one attract more love and a vibrational match for ones life journey on earth. 

Love is all,

by Kyria Aluéla Lumina 


Kyria Aluéla is a Intuitive Life Coach, Holographic & Sound Healer, Vocalist – Composer, Channel, SOUL CODES transmission, Twin Flame Guidance . Merkaba Lightbody teachings for ascension and more…

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Top  Quote is from S. WaHeiNa
