The Message of Truth & Unity – Sanat Kumara

Everyone must have felt the power surges that came to earth during the days of the June Solstice, if you are sensitive to energies. Something happened to us! We received codes of sound and light that is changing us forever into a new state of awareness and being. I surely felt it and my body and mind has been integrating these codes. I suddenly do feel somewhat NEW. Things are falling off me – toxic substances – physically in form of purging them – mental  and emotional patterns. They show themselves to me, as I observe my thoughts and feelings about things. Now, some things just don’t feel important anymore and what truely counts for my life, is looking me in the eye.

It’s time to be real…the TRUE SELF – the SOUL is calling all of us to be authentic and walk our talk. 

We can’t just speak of love and truth, we must be LOVE and TRUTH.

-Kyria Alu’ela of Melchizedekia

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Below,  you will  find a wonderful channeling about what is happening lately  to us by Méline Portia Lafont  and info on who Sanat Kumara is.


Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara is a manifestation of God, a spiritual being of great light. He is known as the Ancient of Days, the Eternal Youth, the Regent Lord of the World and ruler of Shamballa. He is also one of seven holy kumaras referenced in sacred scriptures.

Sanat Kumara is the bearer of fire. Leading the armies of heaven, he takes up serpents in order to bring peace. He represents the Rose Cross and the Ruby Cross. His emblems are the Flying Eagle (the elevated glyph of Scorpio) and the Yule Log, which symbolizes the rekindling of the threefold flame in the heart of man. In some cultures, he is associated with the symbol of the fish, with the water of life and with the Pleiades.

Sanat Kumara teaches a path of sacrifice, service, selflessness and surrender that leads to permanent reunion with God. His presence can be felt while playing the music Finlandia by Sibelius (now playing with the Ode to Joy, Christus Resurrected, the Battle Hymn of the Republic and Wien, Wien nur du allein, keynote of Lady Master Venus), which anchors such a flame of freedom that it was banned. During the time Finland was an autonomic Grand Duchy of Russia, Tsar Nikolai II started a period of oppression 1899, trying to make the Finnish people Russians, with very little success. He forbid Finlandia, because it was lifting the spirit of nationhood in Finland and was a symbol of independence movement. The period lasted until the independence at 1917, and was called “sortovuodet”, the years of repression.

References to Sanat Kumara are found throughout the world. References to Shamballa are found in Eastern texts and traditions in geographical proximity to the Gobi Desert. References to the 144,000 are found in the Bible as well as in Native American tradition. from:


June Solstice and the message of Truth and Unity

from Lord Sanat Kumara on June 25, 2016

channeled by Méline Portia Lafont

Blessings beautiful Tribe,

We are enhancing a beautiful momentum of Heart Gateway into more profound ways. This Solstice stream and energy influx of June was seeded with Galactic codes from the Galactic Center and this brings out a massive awakening in consciousness for humanity. Of course to see the results of this takes time as it brings about many changes on the inner plane within one’s heart and mind. So, all in all, this period of awakening integration will span a few weeks to several months before you will start to see more tangible results.

Nevertheless these codes have all been seeded and this means there is no turning back. The plants have been seeded and now they will need some time to grow. Best way to nurture these seeds within every soul is to keep the faith and strength high, to keep believing in the good of all and the best in all, to understand the nature of language and how one proceeds within when coming to new understandings. Every way is possible, just understand that it may not be the same as yours..nevertheless it is a way to new understanding as a result.

Balance is key in order to keep the order of the Light and the power of Love into the momentum of all hearts on this plane. It will begin with you and by you only being the beacon and conduit for it. These last several months have been heavy with integration in order to provide new wisdom, new keys and the re-coding of our mortal encodements. This all lies in the foundation of our core Being now, being infused in several parts of our Beingness lingering within the fields of mind – creation – emotion – consciousness and physicality.

Now with the June Solstice and the seeds from the Galactic Center, you are seeded with wisdom from the Diamond Ray and the Galactic levels on the planetary level, bringing you further in a deepened awakening and activation of your immortality. The Galactic Center is seeding and nurturing your Beingness with profound new integrations and teachings that are seeded from a black hole as the Center of all.

This brings many to a certain “reset” and inclination to go through such profound changes that you want to change every single part of your life and perception of reality, your work, your relationships and your teachings/views. These seeds enable this gift of resurrection in a sense of re-birthing yourself into different levels.

Lord Sanat Kumara:

“Coming from the state of all and nothing simultaneously allows you to reset and integrate the necessary encodements to rebuild your planetary consciousness and even start from scratch with a different language.

You are seeing the world through different eyes now and what must happen will come about in the most necessary ways to help humanity to reach that point of resurrection. We speak of God consciousness now and not only the Christed Light, for the Christed light has been resurrecting a longer time ago reaching the point of the return of the Christ. Now the God consciousness is being infused and integrated through the Galactic Sun (center) and the Galactic codes.

This God consciousness brings back the sense of Unity and is all about Unity. Thus you will come to see things and events take place on your Earth that emphasize Unity and brings back Unity. You will thrive for Unity and unity will be everything you shall see as a result of many things.

What is between the seeds to Unity and the blossoming of Unity is but a way to get to the understanding of this nature. We are to not take it serious, only to know it is just a way to get you there. The way in-between it is a momentum of change, a power that brings about and helps you all to facilitate this.

Now that the third wave of consciousness has begun to awaken and plant their seeds, you will all feel a heightening in energy within the bodies as this will start to uplift you all in a greater sense of the Self. Unity consciousness will now be able to come forth more as you go through your phases of resurrection. Some will linger deeper into a pace of deep awakening of the Divine blueprint than others, as most are within different stages of their Divine humanity experience.

The embodiment of this great wisdom and knowledge is what is important to hold and to duly facilitate.

Everyone will have to deal with this in their own human way, make sure what you do and choose is the best way for ALL of you. You will have to walk your talks from now on, for quickly will you start to notice that talking alone will not keep you here in this momentum of heart. It is about the foundation of BEing this, thus walking what you talk of and Being all that you say you are.

Any other way will become hard and difficult to function in for your most natural senses and way of Being will become the order of the day. There will be no other way than to be your authentic selves you see. This is part of the great self mastery and you have been working for this very hard. Now that you are beginning to step in this world of wonders you are to be true to yourselves and be all at heart for what you do, say and are.

You will now manifest yourselves and all that you are as an energy, more quickly. Less time for delusional things to get you out of the illusion. It will spark quickly and clearly. You will know where you are at in an instant. Thus will you get to know yourselves in an all-encompassing way and tremendously profound, and that is a God given choice and command.

You will learn how to handle quick changes and manifestations, as well as your clairvoyant and clarity skills. The truth will no longer hide from you but present itself in your face very directly or through your visions and you will not be able to look away. It will not go before you have seen and know what it is you ought to know. This means facing ALL of you and your fears as well. Like we say onto you: you will get to know yourself tremendously and in an all-encompassing way!

This is the Divine: nothing to hide but clear and open ~ transparent. Others will start to see more of who you are and what you vibrate as, as their senses too are enhancing along with their own fields of intention. Again you will get to know yourselves tremendously as everything becomes clear and truth will no longer hide.

Embrace this truth as it comes to you. It is not your enemy it is your ally. Keep this in mind whenever things come out in the world as truth. Do not hold yourselves down by anger or hate, but embrace the face of truth as it can bring forth joy and freedom. Knowing and awakening out of your sleep is freedom!

You will have to walk your talk now as you are becoming grand masters again. Be true to your heart and yourselves, so will it be in the world as a direct result and reflection.
Moment by moment we abide within your heart”

– Lord Sanat Kumara


Méline: on a side note.. this message of Unity may confuse you when you think of the UK leaving Europe. My understanding and feeling about this happening is that this is the beginning of a different way of Unity as the image of Unity which Europe holds has been a false one. Now as Europe starts to crumble true Unity can finally start to emerge as a Unity from the heart and not from the mind leadership. Thus in my humble opinion this is a good thing which has started the tangible change towards a different reality and unity heart based.

Love and Light,

Universal created gift 2012-2016. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned.  Méline Portia Lafont ( where you can sign up for her Newsletter and more)

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Danke – Kyria von Melchizedekia144000

Awakening Divine Abundance- Message from Hathor

“I, Hathor, send sacred sound to you to express my truth, my one sound is composed of seven goddess beings, and we resonate in harmony with Venus.”

“When listening to sound frequencies and vibrations, you may not hear the sound; there are numerous ways for you to experience the sacred sound. “



Awakening Divine Abundance

by  The Hathors of Venus
When love and consciousness bind unity is created, unity is the truth of every soul; it is the truth of the Creator and the Goddess. I am Hathor. It is through sound that I communicate with you now. Invite yourself to listen deeply, not with your ears, with every cell of your being. The sound emanating from the core of my being vibrates through your being allowing us to connect in harmony and at a new level of understanding. The universe is composed of and with sound. The Creator communicates with you through sacred sound vibrations, some resonate deeply with you, these are sacred sounds already in realisation within your being. Other sacred sounds from the Creator inspire remembrance, or even resistance, which is a blessing as it signifies you are ready to make a big leap within the source of your being; your soul and the Creator.

Take time to be silent and listen with every part of your being to my sound vibrations flowing through your being. What do you experience?

Take time to be silent and listen with every part of your being to the sacred sound of your own being, recognise the sound your entire being creates. Hold the intention of connecting with the sound of your core. What do you experience? How does it differ to my energies, Goddess Hathor?

Take time to be silent and listen with every part of your being to the sacred sound vibration of the Universe of the Creator. What do you experience? The Universe of the Creator is expansive and holds so many aspects of the Creator, each are expressions of the Creator, creating their own sacred sound vibrations. When tuning into the sound of the Universe of the Creator, a united, harmonious sound can be experienced. The sound of every soul and aspect of the Creator is different and diverse, yet creates a whole and complete sacred sound which is full, healing and beautiful. You are a sacred choir member generating through your unique sound the united sound of the Creator found throughout the Universe of the Creator and within the core of the Creator. With this understanding, you can easily acknowledge your importance in the Universe of the Creator and your equal unity with all aspects of the Creator.

When listening to sound frequencies and vibrations, you may not hear the sound; there are numerous ways for you to experience the sacred sound. It may be as an energy moving over your being, as a feeling or emotion within you. Imagine that you were present before an orchestra, even if you were deaf and unable to hear any sound, you would still experience the impact, energy, and power the orchestra creates. It is the same within the Universe of the Creator. Often the frequencies expressed, for example from my being, Goddess Hathor, are so high that they are beyond the range of your physical body’s hearing. This does not matter because your soul hears everything and will deliver the messages to your conscious awareness.

I, Hathor, send  sacred sound to you to express my truth, my one sound is composed of seven goddess beings, and we resonate in harmony with Venus. Although we are seven goddess beings we exist as one, like a family united, we are from the same source, like aspects of the one soul. This information is shared with you so you may recognise and remember that one sound vibration, light frequency, energy vibration is an abundant expression which creates the impression of one. You are one human form upon the Earth, and yet you are composed of an abundance of light, sound and energy vibrations. When you allow yourself to look deeper, beyond your human body you can recognise the great abundance of the Creator which supports your form and existence. This I,  Hathor, label as Divine Abundance.

Divine Abundance is not one energy; it is the creation of numerous aspects of the Creator existing and vibrating in harmony to present a manifestation, form or creation. Divine Abundance has the power to manifest anything at any level or dimension of the Creator’s Universe. Anything is possible. Divine Abundance manifests through intention, belief, acceptance and embodiment. It is available to every soul and flows through every soul. Divine Abundance supports each soul in creating a reality upon the Earth or the inner planes which offer the greatest experience of fulfilment. When you begin to understand or remember the truth of Divine Abundance, then you will understand the key to unlocking the presence of Divine Abundance within you and expressing the same into your reality.

Allow yourself to sit peacefully accessing a meditative state of being. Say the statements below one at a time and allow yourself to experience the great source of energy and truth they each hold and activate within your being. Take time to embody the statement even if it is only with the support of your imagination.

‘I am united in oneness with all aspects of the Creator, divine sound and energy flows to and from me.’

(Experience the energy of this statement until you feel an embodiment and activation of the words within you.)

‘I am composed of so many different vibrations of light, love, consciousness, sound and energy, each are an expression of the Creator and harmoniously create my current body and self.’

(Experience the energy of this statement until you feel an embodiment and activation of the words within you.)

‘Harmoniously I express the Creator as an individual expression and as a vital aspect of the wholeness and fullness of the Creator.’

(Experience the energy of this statement until you feel an embodiment and activation of the words within you.)

‘Every part of my life is my creation; each part is composed of numerous aspects of the Creator and yet appears as one object, one situation, one person or one experience.’

(Experience the energy of this statement until you feel an embodiment and activation of the words within you.)

‘I now honour all the aspects of the Creator, which harmoniously create expressions of the Creator within my being and reality.’

(Experience the energy of this statement until you feel an embodiment and activation of the words within you.)

‘I know every intention or request I create is greeted by and formed from Divine Abundance; numerous energies harmoniously creating my manifestation.’

(Experience the energy of this statement until you feel an embodiment and activation of the words within you.)

‘Therefore, the Divine Abundance I experience is the unity of the Creator in manifestation.’

(Experience the energy of this statement until you feel an embodiment and activation of the words within you.)

When you have taken the time to experience the statements above you will recognise that collectively they are a beautiful meditation which Awakening Divine Abundance by Goddess Hathorcan offer greater understanding of Divine Abundance while individually they offer a unique insight into your truth. Everything and everyone is a beautiful expression of harmony, unity and oneness. It is often a person’s inability or resistance to recognise the unity, harmony and wholeness of their own being and their connection to other beings including the Creator which results in experiences of lack of abundance within their being and reality. When you recognise that Divine Abundance is the unity of expressions of the Creator creating form, then you realise this must also be the truth of your being and your creations. A belief, acceptance and recognition of unity dawns, therefore, a perspective of plenty rises. You realise that if a belief in separation dissolves then a belief in unity and connection emerges, this means all walls, blockages, resistance or experiences of lack begin to be erased. The only belief is of constant flow and connection, constant support and nourishment, in truth a constant supply of plenty. Practising the above meditation will aid you in developing and remembering your natural and inner sense of unity with all. With the consciousness of unity within your being you naturally and automatically allow yourself to connect with and recognise Divine Abundance. Not only do you realise your divine right to experience Divine Abundance you also empower yourself with the understanding that you have the tools to direct the Divine Abundance into your reality. Your tools are your intentions, requests to the Universe of the Creator, recognition of Divine Abundance and ability to express Divine Abundance, thus form will take place.

To support the key of Divine Abundance, which is the unity of many aspects of the Creator, it is wonderful to use the affirmation, ‘I embody and experience ……………… in plenty.’ Examples of this affirmation are: ‘I embody and experience love in plenty.’ ‘I embody and experience peace in plenty.’ ‘I embody and experience the Creator’s support in plenty.’ ‘I embody and experience loving friendship in plenty.’ And so forth. You can create numerous affirmations which describe your reality as plentiful blessings of all aspects of the Creator harmoniously united and manifesting in beautiful forms within your reality. Thus you will embody and experience the Divine Abundance of the Creator. Allow yourself to be creative, allow yourself to recognise how lovingly connected you are to the Creator and all aspects of the Creator. This brings forth a new enlightened perspective of your being and reality with divine experiences of fulfilment and abundance.

It is time to awaken Divine Abundance within all aspects of your being and allow your soul to live a reality of fullness, compassion, love and truth. Free yourself from limitations with the sacred flow of Divine Abundance. It can manifest into anything you wish to experience. Call forth the energy of Divine Abundance from within your being and the Creator, let it flow through your being and enjoy the energies and shifts you experience.

You may wish to call upon me, Hathor, to support you in your explorations, understanding and experience of Divine Abundance.

With Blessings, I will always be present to guide you,

Hathor ( of Venus)

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 24th June 2016

Original :

Sacred School of OmNa



We offer only the highest vibrational messages of love and truth on this Page which is dedicated to ASCENSION teachings and news and my own wisdom teachings and messages I receive from Higher dimensional Masters of Light and Sound.

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Thank You. – Kyria of Melchizedekia144000

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Sacred Sexuality: Bridge to Higher Levels of Consciousness!

There are different forms of Sex – the one that is more animalistic for procreating, the second to gratify physical needs and lust without love, the third is from the Heart to express love for another person and the desire to make an intimate connection. The 3rd  can lead to a spiritual opening to a higher level of cosmic awareness. 

Sexuality has been  so misunderstood on Earth and made Taboo through religion. It unfortunately has been abused to rob energies and to control others. It is time we understand our own creative life force energy or sexual energy and how to express it with LOVE. 

Below is a excerpt from a Pleiadian perspective on Sacred Sexuality, by Barbara Marciniak 

-Kyria Alu’ela of Melchizedekia 144.000


Sacred Sexuality:

A Bridge to Higher Levels of Consciousness!

When the library of yourselves was torn from the shelves and scattered, and the DNA was split so that there were only two strands left with very little data and very little memory, sexuality was left intact in the physical body. It was left as a form of reproduction, of course-as a form for the species to stay in touch with its own essence and bring itself into life. Very deep inside the mechanism of sexuality is a frequency that can be attained that has been sought after and misunderstood by many people. It is called orgasm.
The orgasm has been distorted from its original purpose. Your body has forgotten the cosmic orgasm of which it is capable of, because society has taught you for thousands and thousands of years that sexuality is bad. You have been taught this in order for you to be controlled and to keep you from seeking the freedom available through sexuality. Sexuality connects you with a frequency of ecstasy, which connects you back to your divine source and to information.

Sexuality and Healing Cellular Memory

Sexuality has been given a bad name upon this planet, and that bad name is stored in your cellular memory. This is not just from this lifetime; it is from thousands of years of misappropriation and misuse. It is necessary for you to clear the negativity surrounding sexuality from this lifetime, as well as to experience and examine how you utilize sexual energy and sexual expression in your multidimensional selves.


The sexual parts of the body are avenues to pleasure, that create frequencies which heal, stimulate the body, and potentially lead it to the higher spiritual self. Sexuality is so misunderstood on this planet that, when it is exchanged between two persons, very seldom is there an intent to connect spirituality with it. Sexuality invokes a spirituality that is free and that looks at itself as a creator. However, very seldom is sexuality used as a bridge to take you to higher levels of consciousness.


Monogamy, Is It the Right Choice?

We have spoken with a number of individuals who have been utilizing light. Since finding the proper partner in a monogamous situation, they have been able to achieve very high states of being. Monogamy tends to work for most of you very well because of where you are vibrationally. When you have many partners, you tend to be less than honest and to hide who you are: you share a little here, there, and everywhere in scattering your seed. It is best to be with one person, but this does not mean the same person forever. Be loyal, be open, and be sharing with the person you are working with, and go as far as you can with them. If it happens to be your whole life, wonderful. If it doesn’t, then when you come to a place where you are no longer communicating and serving one another, and you feel the relationship is not going to be able to make a leap, terminate the relationship and find another person who works with your vibration.


When you work one-on-one intimately, you develop trust. Most of you have difficulty trusting yourselves because you don’t have a role model for trust. You can learn about trust in a relationship because a relationship acts as a mirror for you, showing you what you cannot see from your own viewpoint. It shows you yourself outside of yourself when you have open communication within sexuality and deep intimacy, and when you are not using sexuality as a distraction for getting close. Many of you have used sexuality as a distraction and a way to avoid intimacy rather than to develop it. You begin to get energetic and to look into one another’s eyes and to feel all hot and excited. Then, instead of exploring each other intimately and spiritually, you shut down your feeling centers, put on your armor, and have shallow, genital sex because it is too frightening and too intense to go the deeper route of full body and full spiritual connection. Sometimes hot sex feels great and is wonderful. We are simply saying that there is more. There is much more, and no one is keeping it from you except yourselves and the beliefs and fear you have of letting down your boundaries and walls.


Many of the fears you have are based on what you have created for yourselves and what you have done to others in your sexual life. Your sexual history affects every other portion of your soul, so all of your soul’s issues are broadcast loud and clear throughout your body. You don’t want to look at this sometimes because it is too painful, and you judge it because you think it is bad. Stop judging, and get neutral about what you have done-no matter what you discover, no matter how heinous it seems, no matter how difficult it seems, and no matter how much violation it involves. Understand that your purpose has been to gather data and to understand your selves.
Sexuality is a Frequency.


Sexuality is a frequency. It represents what was not taken away from you even though your history, your memories, and your identity were removed and scattered. The way you were left intact with the ability to discover who you were was through the sexual experience. Of course, you were never taught this. We are going to do some church bashing here. So sorry for anyone who is a member of the churches. The churches came about as organizations-businesses to control religion and spiritual development and to create jobs, to create a hierarchy, and to create a club. Very few churches came about with the idea of bringing information to people. You don’t usually think of religion as something that keeps you informed, do you? Any religion that brings information is a religion operating on the vibration of truth.


Spiritual realms are places of existence that the human body is locked away from. Because sexuality was an opportunity for human beings to regain their memory, or to connect with their spiritual selves and spiritual creator, or to find an avenue to the spiritual realm that you are sealed off from, the churches came about and promoted sexuality for procreation. They taught you that the only reason you had sexuality was to produce little humans.
Sexuality was promoted as something very bad. Women were told that sexuality was something they had to undergo to serve men and that they had no control over the birthing process. Women believed this; hence, to this day, you believe in general that you have no control over that portion of your body. You must realize that only you decide whether you are going to birth a child or not. This is not such a complicated thing as you have been told. Decision and intention are what bring the experience to your being. You can control whether you have a baby or not. If woman had had this ability for the last several thousand years, and if she had been able to explore her sexual self without fear of having a child, perhaps men and women would have discovered that they were much freer than they had been told they were.


The discovery of the highest frequency of sexuality arises from the love experience. It has nothing to do with relationships being either homosexual or heterosexual. It has to do with two human beings bringing pleasure to one another in a way that opens frequencies of consciousness. You have bought many ideas about what is proper and what is improper within sexual expression.


Love is the essence that is to be created in all relationships. If you love and honor someone, it doesn’t matter what your composition of density is. What matters is the love vibration and how you explore this love, which ideally is gifted and coupled with the integration of the male and the female counterparts that make the twin flame.


Ideally, sexuality is explored through feelings. The third and fourth chakras connect you to the emotional and compassionate selves, which connect you to the spiritual self. The spiritual self is the part of yourself that is multidimensional through which you exist in many forms simultaneously. It is your assignment and agreement and task to be aware of all these realities in the identity that you are. When you are aware, you can time into the different frequencies, remember who you are, and change the vibratory rate of this universe.

Excerpt from the Book “Bringers of the Dawn”

by Barbara Marciniak



We offer only the highest vibrational messages of love and truth on this Page which is dedicated to ASCENSION teachings and news and my own wisdom teachings and messages I receive from Higher dimensional Masters of Light and Sound.

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Thank You. – Kyria Aluela 

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Danke – Kyria Aluela


Ausdruck & Freigabe der Sternensaat im Morphogenetischen Feld


23.Juni, 2016

In den letzten 2-3 Wochen, spüre ich noch stärker als je zuvor, wie meine Seele oder Sternensaat näher rückt um mit meinem physischen Körper zu verschmelzen. Ich spüre das Feuer meiner Seele, dass alles was nicht rein ist, alles was Illusion ist abbrennt. Mein 3 D Selbst schiebt alte Gifte heraus: alte Wunden, alte Gedankenmuster und alte Emotionen. Mein Körper wird lichter. Ich fühle mich manchmal durchsichtig. Die Seelengruppe die für den Aufstiegsprozess bereit ist, dürfte es so ähnlich gehen. Unten teile ich eine Channeling von Daniela Kistmacher über dieses Thema.

– Kyria Aluéla – von Melchizedekia 144.000

Wer meinen Blog-service unterstützen möchte, kann unten auf dieser Seite nachsehen wie man dieses tun kann. Danke


Ausdruck & Freigabe der Sternensaat im Morphogenetischen Feld



Das Ankommen in der stofflichen Form des Seins erfolgt in der bedingungslosen Heilung der tiefen Schichten einzig über die innere Ausrichtung. Die Tiefe der inneren Reflektion nährt den Wunsch der Seele, die Heilung in jedem Winkel der 5 Körper zu verankern. 


Verinnerlichung, Hingabe, Läuterung, Klärung, Wahrnehmung, Verbindung des in jederSeele nun aufbrechenden individuellen Hoheitskerns stärkt das Gefüge an die Sternensaat.

Im Moment der Ruhe des „Ich Bin“ fallen alle trennenden, verneinenden, verletzenden,schmerzenden und ruhelosen Aspekte der kausalen Verknüpfung vom astralen Geschehen ab. Der Impuls der Ruhe um die Wahrhaftigkeit des „Dahinter“ legt sich essenziell in die fühlbare Wandlungskraft der Metamorphose des Jetzt. Als erste Trigger- und Heilungspunkte werden die wunden Element und Herzanteile früherer Inkaranationen in der sich weiter dehnenden Spiralfrequenz der Zirbeldrüse wahrnehmbar.

Alle Aspekte des Innen dürfen heilen, um immer mehr mit der ausgedehnten fünf-dimensionalen Wahrnehmung der Ist-Präsenz zu verschmelzen. Der Hypothalamus integriert nun innerhalb der Physis die Essenz der Blaupause des inneren Schöpfungskerns jener ätherischen Aspekte, mit denen wir hinaus kommen über die inneren Begrenzungen an den zuvor gefühlten Schmerz der physischen Begrenzung. Auf dem weiteren Pfad und im Verband der Seelenfamilie schwingt der Herzkokon der Einheit.

Der innere Atem dringt in alle Herztiefen vor, kann die heiligen Empfindungen der Sternensaat erden, die Liebesenergien in jene Bahnen der universellen Rückverbindung einbringen, die sich als höhere höchste Präsenz des Universalselbstes manifestieren. Die innere Galaxie erneuert sich, befreit sich von den befremdenden Aspekten aller 3-D Strukturen, Begrifflichkeiten, Themen, Anhaftungen, Co-Abhängigkeiten, Schablonen, Dramen.

Dies in der kristallklaren neuen Ordnung und Hierarchie des Fühlens der heiligen Quellenergie der Sternensaat. Im Ist-Zustand des neuen Seins kreiert der selbstschöpferische Wesensaspekt die feineren Nuancen des Harmoniegefüges der Diamantfrequenz des Erdgitters in Übereinstimmung mit der Wesensapektfrequenz des kristallinen Herz-Mensch-Seelen-Seins.

Sternenzauber ~~~ Sternenglanz

In der von den Höhen abgetragenen Tiefe erscheint das Licht. Aus der Dunkelheit geboren, die Schatten für die höchste Verschmelzung integrierend in des Lichtes Hierseins Angesicht. Aus dem Herzen des Firmamentes auserkoren. Die heilige Segnung des Innen inmitten des befreiten Herzimpulses verwebt sich mit der höchsten Form der Liebe, das neue Seelensein ist nun geboren. Das Echlot des neuen Gewandes der Seele im Einklang bringt zurück den heiligen Ton des Herzens im Sternengesang.

© empfangen 22.06.2016, Daniela Kistmacher

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Diese Seite ist für die Lehren und Nachrichten des Aufstiegs gewidmet. Ich poste meine Eigenen Weisheitslehren und Botschaften die ich empfange und auch ab und zu von Meister-Kollegen die Wahrheiten verkünden.
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Danke – Kyria von Melchizedekia144000 –

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When are you going to forgive?

For me, I have come to realize the power in forgiveness. Through letting go of all the hurt and bad feelings by forgiving ( giving pardon) those who wronged you, even your own self, takes your POWER back.  As long as you feel anger, fear, sad, powerless, jealous…etc…you give your power or energies away. YOU ARE VULNERABLE to attack…yes! As long as you have these lower emotions, others can keep instigation and triggering your buttons! Once you forgive and even love your enemies, they have lost hold of you. When you can love your enemy and those who have wronged you, you rise above all and become neutral.  If you can SEE, that these beings and situations served to teach you a lesson, then you can DETACH! 

This is what Jeshua( Jesus) was trying to teach us over 2000 yrs ago. He said, “Forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.”  He tried to show us how ignorance is the cause of non-righteous actions. Jeshua( Jesus) left us the LORDS PRAYER for us for that reason and Saint Germain gave us the Violet Fire to use to forgive. 

Below is a channeling about Forgiveness from “The Council”, by Ron Head as a video and also the text…you can choose to read or listen. 

-Kyria of Melchizedekia 144.000

If you would like to support this blog, see how below the text and video:



King James Version:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

 Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.




When are you going to forgive?

– The Council via Ron Head
June 16, 2016

When you look at those around you, what do you see? Do you see cheaters, liars, sinners, even terrorists? Or do you see creations of the Divine that are perfect in their true selves? Do you confuse acts, thoughts, and words with the beings themselves? Do you realize that in doing so, if you do, you are thinking that they are unforgiveable, and by extension, so are you? You cannot hold another separate from the Creator and still rise to Oneness yourself.

Yes, you say, but how can I just forgive this or that? It’s terrible. Well, many acts, words, and thoughts are terrible. And we are not suggesting that anything must be condoned. But they are all NOT the persons whom you are condemning. Do you see that? Many are they who lose their way. Many are they who forget who they are. Many are they who, in trying to do their best, actually do far more harm than good. But we tell you that it does not stain their souls. You have been told for a very long time that you are separate, that you are sinners, that you may – in fact, probably will – go to a place called hell. Well, in answer we will say, you are not, you have never been, and you never will. The only hell that exists is the one created by your misunderstanding of who you are.

Quickly going back to the original topic, you must forgive. And the place to begin is to forgive yourself. If you cannot do that, how can you ever see the Divine in anyone else? You must be able to see the divine in yourself in order to understand that you all are that. Creator does not create mistakes. You have all had experiences that have caused you to seek to improve your understandings of life. And to the best of your abilities, you have tried to do just that. We would say that your ‘atta-boys’ are far more abundant than your ‘aw-shucks’. (We cleaned that last up a bit.) And since your lives are never-ending, you will never get it done. So lighten up just a bit.

Once you find that you can forgive yourself and begin to know that you indeed not separate from the One, then you will find it possible to see the same wherever you look. That will be the beginning of the forgiveness that we speak of. Each thought of forgiveness, of self or of other, will be like tossing away a bag of ballast from your hot air balloon. You will rise. And there is nothing that we desire more.

Come join us in love. Join is in joy. Join us. But please do so while you are still there. No need to leave just yet.

Blessings of love and light to you all.


Video of the same channeling

We offer only the highest vibrational messages of love and truth on this Page which is dedicated to ASCENSION teachings and news and my own wisdom teachings and messages I receive from Higher dimensional Masters of Light and Sound.



If you wish to offer a energy exchange use the following link to Paypal. Anything that comes from your heart and can give is fine.

Thank You. – Kyria of Melchizedekia 144000 my info:



Liebe Mitglieder der MELCHIZEDEKIA144000 Blog Folger
Ich biete nur die Höchstschwingenden Liebes and Wahrheits Beitrage auf dieser Seite.

Diese Seite ist für die Lehren und Nachrichten des Aufstiegs gewidmet. Ich poste meine Eigenen Weisheitslehren und Botschaften die ich empfange und auch ab und zu von Meister-Kollegen die Wahrheiten verkünden.
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Danke – Kyria von Melchizedekia144000 –

Meine Infos:



“Der EINE GROSSE GEIST der Tiere ruft die Menschen zur
Umkehr auf!”

Native Power animals Healing


18. JUNI 2016


SANAT KUMARA gechanneled von Jahn J Kassl

Die Tiere (2 von 4)

Die Liebe, das Licht, die Freude und die Gnade
des GROSSEN EINEN auf die Erde zu bringen,
das ist euch aufgetragen.


Am Anfang standen Mineralien, Pflanzen und Tiere,
am Anfang waren Himmel und Erde eins. Nichts, was
diese reine Schöpfung beeinflusste, beeinträchtigte oder
aus der göttlichen Balance brachte, war vorhanden.
Dann kamen hohe Schöpfungswesen auf die Erde und
langsam begann der Missbrauch; und heute steht die
Erde an dem Punkt, an dem sie unter der Last des
Menschen zusammenzubrechen droht und unter dem
Gewicht der schädlichen Taten der Menschheit zugrunde
zu gehen scheint.

Der Große Geist der Tiere ruft die Menschen
zur Umkehr auf!

Bei der heutigen Lektion, um der Erde ein neues Antlitz zu
geben, greife ich das Thema des Missbrauchs von Tieren auf.
Der EINE GROSSE GEIST der Tiere ruft die Menschen zur
Umkehr auf!

weiter auf

The Blue Pearl- Jewel of Enlightenment & Guan Yin

My dear Soul Brother Altair shared this story with me that he discovered while on Tour in Japan from Temple to Temple. I found it so wonderful that I wish to share it with you.

The time has come to see what is real and what is illusion, to see what is important and what is not, to feel empty and yet so full.

– Kyria of Melchizedekia 144.000


The Blue Pearl ~ the Jewel of Enlightenment

[The following is one of three short talks delivered by Lao Gan Ma at The Phoenix Rising Experience on September 11, 2010 in Marin County. Each talk served as an introduction to the performances that followed.]


A long time ago, the Divine Mother proph­e­sied that a time will come when two dragons battle each other for supremacy in the world: the Black Dragon whose nega­tive energy emanates anger, fear, doubt and greed, and the White Dragon whose posi­tive energy emanates faith, courage, wisdom, compas­sion and Pure Love. It will be a time when deliv­ering real dharma is extremely difficult. It will be a time when many things are on fire. It will be a time when the Divine Mother appears in the form of the Phoenix – the Garuda – and flies through the world holding the auspi­cious Blue Pearl – the jewel of Enlightenment – in its beak — bringing peace, hope and joy to a reborn and healed world.
That time is now – the 21st Century.

So, what is this Blue Pearl, this Lan Zhenzhu?

Wher­ever there is the union of purity and depth we find the color blue. The oceans are blue. The sky is blue. The largest animal, the blue whale — a messenger of ancient wisdom, is blue. The Medi­cine Buddha is blue. Krishna, Vishnu and Rama are blue.
The Blue Pearl is the power of infi­nite Love and infi­nite Compassion. Love that is Pure and unconditional. Compas­sion whose foun­da­tion is wisdom. Compas­sion without wisdom is simply kindness. Awak­ening the Blue Pearl releases nega­tive emotions and opens our heart to the energy of Enlightenment. In Chinese the words “busy” and “angry” are each made up of two char­ac­ters. “Busy” trans­lates as “heart-dying” and “angry” trans­lates as “heart-enslaved.” Think about that. Though the Blue Pearl’s Love and Compas­sion are infi­nite, it is wise to remember that time is finite. There­fore, we should always keep the lesson of imper­ma­nence close to our heart – there is no time to waste.

The Blue Pearl is the Most Precious Jewel

To the Divine Mother — Guan Yin – who holds the Blue Pearl – the Soul of all sentient beings — We are the Most Precious Jewel. How pure, how magical, how beau­tiful. This is a Divine Blessing. The Blue Pearl is the vehicle of Guan Yin’s teach­ings. To Guan Yin, all crea­tures, even those we perceive as the most nega­tive, have Buddha nature within. The Blue Pearl is a reflec­tion of our Inner God Nature – our Enlightenment. When our forms pass away, the Soul becomes a blue light – a Blue Pearl. Always remember who you are.
The Blue Pearl has Magical Power. The Magical Power of the Blue Pearl is not super­sti­tious. It is the Magical Power to see through illusion. Once our Blue Pearl conscious­ness is aroused, so too is our own magical poten­tial. We can mani­fest what we need into our lives — health, wealth, happiness.

All Divine Masters have Magical Power. We don’t recog­nize ourselves. But the Divine Masters recog­nize our magical Inner Nature – our Enlightenment.
Be open to the Magic; it reminds us of who we really are.

The Blue Pearl comes from Emptiness.Empti­ness is beyond the 3 dimen­sions. Empti­ness is the essence of every­thing we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Empti­ness is form and form is emptiness. This is the highest wisdom. When you really know this, there are no longer walls or obsta­cles. This is Freedom. This is Enlightenment.
Most of us have a purpose – always searching, always wanting some­thing. We don’t like the term empti­ness. We prefer abun­dance — but this is illusion. There should be no wanting. Between each inhale and each exhale is Empti­ness. And in that moment a drop of the “nectar of being” can enter our conscious­ness, revealing that Empti­ness is Abundance.


Today, the Black Dragon and White Dragon of the prophecy are strug­gling, and like the posi­tive dragon, the nega­tive dragon has a Divine Nature as well. The essence of both is the Blue Pearl. We too, have both dragon ener­gies inside us, and the Blue Pearl deep in our heart. Now is our time to surrender to the awak­ened Blue Pearl – the jewel of Enlightenment – balance the ener­gies, raise our aware­ness, become One with the Divine Mother and help heal the world. Guan Yin holds the Blue Pearl in her hands. The Phoenix holds the Blue Pearl in its beak. We hold the Blue Pearl in our hearts.

Om Mani Padme Hum

A long time ago, the Divine Mother, Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa, the Bodhisattva of Compas­sion, observed and heard the “cries of the world.” Assuming her male form — Aval­okite­shava in Sanskrit, Chen­rezig in Tibetan – she paid a visit to the Himalayan Moun­tains. There, in the Land Of Snows, she gave the people of the world a precious gift – her sacred magical sounds, her heart sutra – “Om Mani Padme Hum.” She promised her “chil­dren”, “If you hold my heart mantra in your heart, you will always be in my vibra­tion, you will always be connected to me and you will always have my blessings.” In the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” – which means “the precious jewel atop the lotus” – “Mani” is the precious jewel and “Pedme” is the lotus. The Blue Pearl is this precious jewel – the “Mani.” Within it is the compas­sion and wisdom of Guan Yin. It is also a metaphor for all the esoteric teachings. Here in the West, it is a different kind of “money” that is the most precious. We often hear the mantra, “Oh money buy me a home.” Would we not be better served counting our bless­ings rather than our money?

The lotus is a metaphor for the exoteric teachings of Enlightenment. Why is the lotus consid­ered a holy flower? The reason is because it grows out of the mud. Mud is a metaphor for our world. Just as the peacock — the progeny of the Phoenix — has the ability to trans­form the poison seed that it eats into the beauty of its magnif­i­cent plumage, so too, the Blue Pearl can trans­form the “mud” of the world into the beauty of the lotus for all sentient beings.

“Om Mani Padme Hum” beseeches us to fall in love with the mud, to fall in love with the Blue Pearl. The way of the Blue Pearl is not the human way. By reciting the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” every day, we are reminded that during these diffi­cult times, we must shed our fear, our anger, our doubt and our judg­ment. We must remain calm in the face of disaster, and mani­fest the quality of the lotus, emerging from the mud pure and without stain.

The 21st Century is the century of the Divine Mother. It is the time when the femi­nine energy of Enlightenment will assert itself throughout the world.
A tran­scen­dent Master of the Dakini lineage once imparted the following wisdom to her beloved granddaughter:

“Life throws rough circum­stances towards us, and only wisdom can resolve their meaning. When we are tested by Heaven, there is a reason. Whether we can view each obstacle as a blessing, whether every “bad” person we encounter is a messenger, depends on whether our hearts are with the Dao, and whether our love truly reaches high and deep. We can retrieve some­thing worth­while out of karma, but only if we make offer­ings in spirit, even to forces we perceive as nega­tive. We should give thanks for the wonderful oppor­tu­nity to be tested, which enables us to develop patience and compassion.”
It is a common misun­der­standing to think that when we recite her mantra, we glorify Guan Yin. Rather, it is Guan Yin who glori­fies us – the precious Blue Pearl inside each one of us – our true Inner Nature, our Enlightenment.


“Om Mani Padme Hum.


We offer only the highest vibrational messages of love and truth on this Page which is dedicated to ASCENSION teachings and news and my own wisdom teachings and messages I receive from Higher dimensional Masters of Light and Sound.

Your LOVE DONATIONS TO SHOW YOU VALUE THIS PAGE ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED TO BE ABLE CONTINUE THIS SERVICE SO OFTEN. If you wish to offer a energy exchange use the following link to Paypal. Anything you give from your heart  is fine.

Thank You. – Kyria of Melchizedekia144000

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Liebe Mitglieder der MELCHIZEDEKIA144000 Blog Folger ,
Ich biete nur die Höchstschwingenden Liebes and Wahrheits Beitrage auf dieser Seite.

Diese Seite ist für die Lehren und Nachrichten des Aufstiegs gewidmet und hauptsächlich von Meistern von den Melchisedeks u GWB geleitet.
Wenn du die Seite Folgen willst, kannst die den Blog per email empfangen. KOMMENTARE sind herzlich willkommen.

Hier ist der LINK zu das Paypal Spendenkonto. Jeder kann das geben was er möchte u kann.

Danke – Kyria von Melchizedekia144000




17. JUNI 2016 – durch  Jahn J. Kassl


Wie aus der Matrix aussteigen?

JJK: Was bedeutet es, aus der Matrix auszusteigen,
und wodurch ist dieser Ausstieg definiert?

Bei dir ist das Bewusstsein SANANDA.

Geliebte Menschen, Kinder des Einen Gottes, der
uns alle nährt, und zu dem wir alle zurückkehren.

Das Leben eines Menschen, der sich von dieser finsteren
Matrix abwendet, ist durch zweierlei gekennzeichnet:
1.) Abwesenheit von materieller Gier,
2.) Abwesenheit von einer übermäßigen Identifikation
mit seinem physischen Gefäß.

Wer diese Haltung verinnerlicht hat, der bewegt sich ganz
von selbst außerhalb der Matrix und der ist imstande, feinere
und höhere Schwingungsebenen immer wahrzunehmen.
Daher gilt es für den Meditierenden, für jene, die sich Gott und
dem Licht Gottes öffnen wollen, zuallererst alle Ängste, die mit
dem Ablegen der körperlichen Hülle – mit dem Tod – verbunden
sind, anzunehmen.
Im zweiten Schritt gilt es, diese Ängste zu überwinden und einen
neuen übergeordneten Blick auf Materie und alles Feststoffliche
zu gewinnen. Dichte Materie soll euch so lange dienen, wie ihr
einen dichten Körper besitzt. Niemals macht es Sinn, dass ihr
der Materie dient, dass ihr euch zu Sklaven der Materie erniedrigt.

Ob du von materiellen Gütern oder irdischen Machtansprüchen
abhängig bist, ist daran zu erkennen, wie viel deiner
Lebensenergie du dafür aufwendest.

Wie viel Aufmerksamkeit, Arbeitszeit, Gedankenkraft und Willen
stellst du in den Dienst der vergänglichen Sache? Und wie viel
Lebenskraft investierst du in deine Transformation und den Weg
der Erkenntnis, wodurch du die Täuschung der materiellen Welt
erst erkennen kannst? Das sind die zwei Fragen, die du dir stellen

Gefangene der Matrix sind leicht zu erkennen,
da sie ihre Lebensenergie in dieser Matrix verschwenden,
anstatt sie für höher schwingende Ebenen bereitzustellen.

Wer das Offensichtliche dem Unsichtbaren vorzieht und sein Leben
nach den Gesetzen der feststofflichen Welt ausrichtet, der bleibt im
Spinnennetz dieser Matrix gefangen. Der Grad an Erkenntnis und
die Bewusstheit eines Wesens bestimmen, auf welcher Frequenz
(= Matrix) sich ein menschliches Leben ab-spielt.

Es gilt:
A.) den menschlichen Körper als heiliges Gefäß,
welches dir für die Reise auf dieser Welt zur Verfügung
steht und das am Ende der Reise mit Freude abgelegt
werden soll, zu begreifen – und
B.) alle Materie als die Kulisse, in der du deine Lebensaufgaben
erfüllst oder deine Rolle absolvierst, und nicht als Wirklichkeit,
in der du dich verlierst, zu erleben.

Du bist ein lichtvolles unendliches Wesen, das diese Erfahrung
für eine sehr kurze Zeitspanne gewählt hat. Erkennst du,
welches Bewusstsein dir zugrunde liegt, kannst du dich
niemals in der Raumzeit verlieren.
Dann bist du am besten Wege, das Zelt der Zeit zu verlassen.
Dein göttlicher Blick auf dein menschliches Leben hält dich von
niedrig schwingenden Ausprägungen wie der Gier fern und lässt
Ängste niemals von dir Besitz ergreifen.

Welt in der Welt überwinden

Meditiere darüber so lange, bis du dieses Bewusstsein in
deinen Alltag integriert hast. Dein alltägliches Denken,
Sprechen und Handeln müssen von dieser Erkenntnis
durchdrungen sein, damit du die Wirklichkeit erkennen
und Täuschungen durchschauen kannst.

Sei dir bewusst, dass du immer eine innere Distanz
zu allem, was auf Erden geschieht, halten sollst.

Illusionen, Verführungen und falsche Wirklichkeiten
verunsichern nur den, der seine überirdische Herkunft
nicht kennt, und seiner irdischen Geburt folglich eine
falsche Bedeutung zumisst. Seid Mitwirkende des Spiels,
bewegt euch auf der Bühne, doch erstarrt nicht zur
leblosen Kulisse, die sich nach Belieben ändert.

Wirklich frei ist der Mensch, der weder durch materielle
Güter zu beeindrucken noch vom Tod erpressbar ist.

Dann hast du diese Matrix in der Matrix überwunden und
ihre Ausformungen hinterlassen keine Spuren mehr in dir.
Die Aufgabe eines Menschenlebens ist es also: diese Welt
in der Welt zu überwinden. Dein unendliches Bewusstsein
ist der Schlüssel, dein unsterblicher Geist das Schloss und
deine ALLES-WAS-IST Wirklichkeit ist das Tor, durch das
du in die Einheit zurückkehrst.

Lebe und liebe. Erkenne was dich binden möchte und
befreie dich davon.

Genauso wenig, wie dich das Hässliche an diese Welt
fesseln soll, wird dich das Schöne an diese Welt binden.
Frei sein heißt, von allem frei sein und alles mit dem
unverstellten Blick des Erwachten betrachten.

Nur ein einziger klarer Gedanke ist nötig, damit der Buddha
in dir erwacht. Sobald alles, was diesem Gedanken im Wege
stand, entfernt ist, wird es geschehen. Du hast zu tun.

In unendlicher Liebe




Liebe Mitglieder der MELCHIZEDEKIA144000 Blog Folger

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Diese Seite ist für die Lehren und Nachrichten des Aufstiegs gewidmet. Ich poste meine Eigenen Weisheitslehren und Botschaften die ich empfange und auch ab und zu von Meister-Kollegen die Wahrheiten verkünden.
Wenn du die Seite Folgen willst, kannst die den Blog per email empfangen. KOMMENTARE sind herzlich willkommen.

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Danke – Kyria von Melchizedekia144000 –

Meine Infos: